As the holiday of Chanukah approaches, many of us are awaiting and preparing for this exciting holiday; Menorahs, Dreidels, Chanukah presents and more. However, for others who are not prepared, Chanukah can come and go like any other time of the year.
In 1974 the Lubavitcher Rebbe – Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson instituted the "Mitzvah-Tank", the Chabad house on wheels, to provide a “Mitzvah on the spot for people on the go”. These Mitzvah Tanks appear in large numbers during the major holidays: Pesach – to distribute Shmurah Matzah, Sukkos – to give everyone an opportunity to shake the Lulav and Esrog, and Chanukah – to give out Menorahs (and jelly donuts of course!).
This year, we plan to “spread the light of Chanukah” to thousands of Jews throughout the New York Metropolitan area, giving them a taste of Judaism and encourage them to fulfill the Mitzvos of the festival.
To ensure the success of this enormous project, we turn to you our dear friend, to be our partner and contribute to this great Mitzva.
It is our hope and prayer that the special Mitzvah of Tzedakah will finally “tip the scale” and bring the long awaited Geulah, when we will merit again to see the lighting of the Menorah in the Third Beit HaMikdash.